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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Matthieu Ricard: Matthieu Ricard, Matthieu Ricard Wissenschaftliche Schriften, Matthieu Ricard Fotobände

Matthieu Ricard wuchs im Umfeld Frankreichs Intellektueller auf. Seine Mutter, die Künstlerin Yahne Le Toumelin, und sein Vater, der unter dem Pseudonym Jean-François Revel einer der einflussreichsten lebenden Philosophen und politischen Theoretiker Frankreichs war, ermöglichten ihm den Umgang mit großen Denkern und Schöpfern dieser Zeit.

Nach eigener Darstellung begann sein "eigentliches" Leben am 2. Juni 1967, als er Kangyur Rinpoche begegnete. Als Kangyur starb, wurde Matthieu Ricard Mönch und persönlicher Assistent von Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, mit dem er zwölf Jahre lang Tag und Nacht verbrachte. Nach dem Tod seines Lehrers schrieb er das Buch „Journey to Enlightenment: The Life and World of Khyentse Rinpoche, Spiritual Teacher from Tibet“ über dessen Leben und Wirken.

Seit 1989 ist er offizieller Französisch-Übersetzer für den Dalai Lama. Zusammen mit seinem Vater veröffentlichte er das international erfolgreiche Buch „Der Mönch und der Philosoph“. Darin werden zu Themen von allgemeinem philosophischem, spirituellem und gesellschaftlichem Interesse, die Perspektive der westlichen Welt und des Buddhismus gegenübergestellt; Unterschiede aufgezeigt und Gemeinsamkeiten hervorgehoben.

Er ist Board Member des Mind and Life Institute, das die Kommunikation zwischen- und die Zusammenarbeit von Westlicher Wissenschaft und Buddhismus fördert. Er arbeitet gegenwärtig gemeinsam mit Hirnforschern über die Wirkung von Meditation und Geistestraining auf das Gehirn (Madison-Wisconsin, Princeton und Berkeley). Ricard lebt aktuell im Kloster Shechen in Nepal.

Matthieu Ricard Wissenschaftliche Schriften
* mit Antoine Lutz, Lawrence L. Greischar , Nancy B. Rawlings und Richard J. Davidson: Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice. PNAS 2004: 101, no. 46
* mit Paul Ekman, Richard J. Davidson und B. A. Wallace: Buddhist and psychological perspectives on emotions and well-Being. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2005: 14, 59-63.

Matthieu Ricard Weitere Werke
* Mystery of Animal Migration. Constable, 1969, ISBN 978-0094566606
* Glück. Nymphenburger, München 2007 ISBN 3485011169
* Meditation. Nymphenburger, München 2009 ISBN 3485011673
* Tibet. Mit den Augen der Liebe. Frederking und Thaler, München 2006 ISBN 3894056789 (Bildband)
* Das Licht Tibets. Leben und Welt des spirituellen Meisters Khyentse Rimpoche. Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt 1998 ISBN 3861502542
* mit Jean-François Revel: Der Mönch und der Philosoph. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1999 ISBN 3462027832
* mit Trinh Xuan Thuan: Quantum und Lotus. Goldmann, München 2001 ISBN 3442336392
* mit Wolf Singer: Hirnforschung und Meditation. Ein Dialog. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 2008 ISBN 3518260049

Matthieu Ricard Fotobände
* The Spirit of Tibet. Aperture 2000 ISBN 978-0893819033
* mit Olivier und Danielle Föllmi: Buddhismus im Himalaya. Knesebeck, München 2002 ISBN 3896601318

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Matthieu Ricard: Matthieu Ricard happiness, Matthieu Ricard book, meditation Matthieu Ricard

Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard lives at Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery, in Nepal. In this TED lecture, Matthieu Ricard talks about what happiness is, and how we can all get some.

Matthieu Ricard is a French biochemist, turned Buddhist monk. Matthieu Ricard  says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. Born in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie, he is the son of the late Jean-François Revel (born Jean-François Ricard), a renowned French philosopher, and grew up among the personalities and ideas of French intellectual circles. He first traveled to India in 1967. Matthieu Ricard worked for a Ph.D. degree in molecular genetics at the Institut Pasteur, and after completing his doctoral thesis in 1972, he decided to forsake his scientific career and concentrate on the practice of Tibetan Buddhism.

He lived in the Himalayas studying with the Kangyur Rinpoche and some other great masters of that tradition and became the close student and attendant of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche until his passing in 1991. Since then, Mr. Ricard has dedicated his activities to fulfilling Khyentse Rinpoche’s vision. Ricard’s photographs of the spiritual masters, the landscape, and the people of the Himalayas have appeared in numerous books and magazines. Henri Cartier-Bresson has said of his work, "Matthieu’s spiritual life and his camera are one, from which springs these images, fleeting and eternal."

Matthieu Ricard is the author and photographer of Tibet, An Inner Journey and Monk Dancers of Tibet and, in collaboration, the photobooks Buddhist Himalayas, Journey to Enlightenment and recently Motionless Journey: From a Hermitage in the Himalayas. He is the translator of numerous Buddhist texts, including The Life of Shabkar.

The dialogue with his father, Jean-Francois Revel, The Monk and the Philosopher, was a best seller in Europe and was translated into 21 languages, and The Quantum and the Lotus (coauthored with Trinh Xuan Thuan) reflects his long-standing interest in science and Buddhism. His 2003 book Plaidoyer pour le bonheur (published in English in 2006 as Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill) explores the meaning and fulfillment of happiness and was a major best-seller in France.

Matthieu Ricard received the French National Order of Merit for his humanitarian work in the East. For the last few years, Mr. Ricard has dedicated his effort and the royalties of his books to various charitable projects in Asia, that include building and maintaining clinics, schools and orphanages in the region. He has been dubbed the "happiest person in the world" by popular media. Matthieu Ricard was a volunteer subject in a study performed at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's on happiness, scoring significantly beyond the average obtained after testing hundreds of other volunteers. A board member of the Mind and Life Institute, which is devoted to meetings and collaborative research between scientists and Buddhist scholars and meditators, his contributions have appeared in Destructive Emotions (edited by Daniel Goleman) and other books of essays. He is deeply engaged in the research on the effect of mind training on the brain, at Madison-Wisconsin, Princeton and Berkeley.

Topics: matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard happiness, matthieu ricard book, meditation matthieu ricard, devotion of matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard 2009, the devotion of matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard books, matthieu ricard ted, matthieu ricard video, matthieu ricard photos, matthieu ricard youtube, dalai lama matthieu ricard, happiness by matthieu ricard, matthieu ricard photography, matthieu ricard interview, matthieu ricard quotes

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